From April 24 to April 27, 2023, eight students (Tao Jiayi, Yang Siyu, Ding Feng, Zhang Zhirong, Hu Ziyu, Wen Huijing, Wang Lingyun and Deng Xinyi) from School of International Governance Innovation (SIGI), Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, provided voluntary services for the preparation and holding of the 2023 United Nations World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event and 2023 United Nations World Data Forum “Data & Youth” Event Online Forum.
University Presidents’ Dialogue
The United Nations World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event “University Presidents’ Dialogue” was held in Macao University of Science and Technology on the afternoon of April 24. Six students, including Tao Jiayi, Yang Siyu, Ding Feng, Wen Huijing, Wang Lingyun and Deng Xinyi from SIGI, attended the forum. At the beginning, Huang Jingbo, Director of the United Nations University Institute in Macau (UNU Macau), gave a brief introduction to the event and introduced the guests: Tshilidzi Marwala, Rector of the United Nations University; Li Xingwei, Rector of the Macau University of Science and Technology; Hui King Man, Vice-Rector of the University of Macau; Álvaro Barbosa, Vice-Rector of the University of Saint Joseph (Macao); and Tim Unwin, UNESCO Chair for Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT4D), and Chair of the UNU Institute in Macau International Advisory Board.
Professor Tim Unwin chaired the event. The four main topics were: The role of universities in the 2020s; university research; collaboration and partnerships between universities and societies; the role of digital technologies in universities’ development. During the dialogue, the guests exchanged views on the difficulties of universities’ construction and explored new approaches for sustainable development.

University Presidents’ Dialogue
Paying a Visit to the UNU Macau
On the evening of April 24, SIGI students visited the UNU Macau. The UNU Institute in Macau is a UN global think tank on Information Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D). It conducts UN policy-relevant research and generates solutions, addressing key issues in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through high-impact innovations and frontier technologies. Through its research, UNU Macau encourages data-driven and evidence-based actions and policies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
During the visit, the staff of the UNU Macau introduced the internal environment, development history and staff structure of the institute in detail. At the same time, SIGI students had in-depth exchanges with volunteers from Harvard University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, Beijing Normal University and other universities about their respective research directions and learning interests. Through the visit, volunteers had a deeper understanding of the purposes and work of UNU, as well as the importance of international perspective and cross-cultural communication.

SIGI Students in UNU Macau
2023 UN World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event
The 2023 UN World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event was held on April 25. The theme of this event is “Dealing with data dilemma: Risks and opportunities of a human-centered systems approach to data and digital technology development”. It was organised by the United Nations University Institute in Macau (UNU Macau) in partnership with Centre for Data Science, University of Macau, Faculty of Innovation Engineering, Macau University of Science and Technology, and University of Saint Joseph. Tao Jiayi, Yang Siyu, Ding Feng, Wen Huijing, Wang Lingyun and Deng Xinyi were responsible for taking the minutes of the meeting, providing interpretation assistance, and assisting venue staff to maintain on-site order.
Topics covered in the parallel sessions include “Data and Health”, “Data Policy”, “Cross Border Data Transfer”, “Data and Design”, etc. The forum invited data stakeholders including representatives of government, enterprises, academia, and civil society from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and countries around the world. Views, experiences and technologies on data use were shared, and synergies and opportunities for data use partnerships were explored to help achieve national and regional development plans and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the United Nations has consistently advocated and which the Chinese Government is actively promoting.

2023 UN World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event
2023 World Data Forum “Data & Youth” Event Online Forum
On April 27, the 2023 UN World Data Forum “Data and Youth” was held online which was sponsored by youth workers of the UNU Macau and supported by the Institute for International Governance of Artificial Intelligence of Tsinghua University. Professor Tim Unwin, UNESCO Chair for ICT4D, attended and delivered the opening speech. Young scholars and outstanding young representatives of innovation and entrepreneurship from universities around the world communicated and shared experience and practical achievements in promoting sustainable development around the four themes: Youth Work on Digital Humanities in Empowering the Cultural Legacy; Digital Technologies and Social Well-being; Cutting-edge of Artificial Intelligence; Personal Privacy and Information Security Governance.
This forum aims to provide a platform for dialogue and exchange among different stakeholders who are interested in or affected by data and its impact on youth. The concrete aims are as follows: Raise awareness of the benefits and risks of data technology for the younger generation; Share best practices and lessons learned on how to use data technology effectively and responsibly; Identify gaps and needs for further research, policy or action on data technology and youth issues; Offer a platform for people from different regions, cultures, subjects to communicate and connect with each other; Foster collaboration and partnership among different sectors on data technology and youth initiatives.
Zhang Zhirong, Hu Ziyu, Yang Siyu, Tao Jiayi and Wen Huijing from SIGI volunteered this online forum. They are mainly responsible for contacting universities in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, conducting online publicity for the forum, and taking charge of the online meeting content recording.

2023 World Data Forum “Data & Youth” Event Online Forum
SIGI wants to express the thanks to the arrangement and support of the organizers, the care and help of the UNU Macau, and the support and cooperation of all participants and staff. SIGI will continue to contribute to the promotion of international exchanges and cooperation, the development of data application technology and related industries. The progress and prosperity of human society and the plan for sustainable development will surely be further guaranteed and promoted.