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Call for Papers: the International Regulatory Cooperation Forum
Time:2024-05-13   source:   click:

With the dynamic evolution of the global political and economic landscape and the rapid advancement of technology, challenges such as international trade, financial stability, data security, and environmental preservation increasingly transcend the capabilities of individual nations. In response, collaborative efforts are imperative. International regulatory cooperation plays a pivotal role in addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by globalization and technological advancement, maintaining international peace and stability and promoting global economic development and governance systems. The epochal and academic significance of related research is becoming increasingly prominent.


The School of International Governance Innovation (SIGI) at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) has long been dedicated to the academic study, teaching and research of international regulatory cooperation and international governance, garnering considerable influence both domestically and internationally. In furtherance of our commitment to advancing academic exchanges in the field of international regulatory cooperation, the SIGI is proud to announce the inaugural International Regulatory Cooperation (IRC) Forum, scheduled to take place on July 20-21, 2024. We cordially invite scholars around the world to submit their research papers.


1. Themes (inclusive, yet not limited to):


1.Theoretical Framework and Trend Analysis of International Regulatory Cooperation

2. Impact Assessment of International Regulatory Cooperation

3. Comparative Studies on Regulatory Policies of Major Economies

4.Mechanisms and Efficiency of International Regulatory Cooperation

5. Cost-Benefit Analysis of International Regulatory Cooperation

6. Studies on the Impact of International Regulatory Differences

7. Artificial Intelligence and International Regulatory Cooperation

8. Privacy Protection and International Regulatory Cooperation

9. Cross-border Data Flow and International Regulatory Cooperation

10. Research on Regulatory Systems for Digital Trade

11. Regulatory Cooperation in Regional Trade Agreements

12. Cross-border E-commerce and International Tax Regulation

13. International Regulatory Research on Intellectual Property Protection

14.International Financial Regulatory Cooperation and Risk Prevention

15.Technological Innovation and International Regulatory Cooperation

16. Global Environmental Governance and International Regulatory Cooperation

17. Cybersecurity and International Regulatory Cooperation

18. The Participation of China in International Regulatory Cooperation 


2. Submission Guidelines


Submissions must be original and unpublished works authored by the contributors, written in either Chinese or English, and adhering to international academic norms. The recommended electronic format for the papers is PDF in A4 size. For Chinese submissions, please follow the writing style of articles published in journals such as Management World and Economic Research Journal. For English submissions, please adhere to the writing style in articles published in American Economic Review. Author details, including name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number, email, etc. should be presented separately on the initial page, independent from the main text.


3. Submission Procedure


Authors are kindly requested to submit electronic versions of their papers to the conference secretariat of the IRC via email at irc@gdufs.edu.cn no later than July 6, 2024. Please indicate IRC Forum + First Authors Name in the subject line of the email. The filename of the submission should be First Authors Name + Paper Title.


4. Review


The forum organizers will assemble a review committee comprising expert scholars to assess the submitted papers for inclusion in this years forum. Notifications of acceptance and conference invitations to attend the conference will be issued to the authors by July 12, 2024. Upon application and approval by the organizers, other authors of accepted papers may also attend the forum.


5. Awards


The review committee, considering the presentations and discussions during the forum, will select one first-prize winner, two second-prize winners, and three third-prize winners from the accepted essays, and present them with award certificates. Additionally, the first and second prize winners are expected to be invited to participate in the International Regulatory Cooperation Sub-forum of the World Trade Forum 2024, scheduled to be held in Bern, Switzerland on September 6-7, 2024.


6. Other Matters


Invited participants of the forum will not be charged a registration fee by the organizers. Transportation and accommodation expenses are to be covered by the participants themselves. Working meals during the forum will be provided by the organizers.


Contact: Ms. Gao

Phone: +86 020-39328909

Email Address: irc@gdufs.edu.cn

Mailing Address: School of International Governance Innovation, No. 2 Baiyun Avenue North, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China

Postal Code: 510420

All rights reserved: School of International Governance Innovation
Guangdong ICP, 09086675  
Fax: +86-20-86253521