联合国国际贸易中心(ITC)与广东外语外贸大学国际治理创新研究院联合举办的“联合国国际贸易中心月”系列活动第一讲将于北京时间2020年3月2日16:00(日内瓦时间9:00)正式开始。本次讲座的主讲嘉宾有ITC代理总干事Dorothy Tembo女士、ITC国家项目署署长Ashish Shah先生、ITC拉美与加勒比海地区办公室主任Claudia Uribe女士,ITC高级贸易促进干事René A. Alarcón先生将担任此次讲座的主持人。
Dorothy Tembo
2000年至2003年间,谈博女士任美国国际开发署博茨瓦纳RAPID项目组副组长,协助“南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)”国家实施“南共体贸易协定书”(SADC Trade Protocol)。2000年之前,谈博女士在赞比亚商业贸易与工业部以及赞比亚国家发展计划委员会任职。
Brief introduction to Ms. Dorothy Tembo:
Ms. Dorothy Tembo has served as Executive Director ad interim of the International Trade Centre since January 2020. A Zambian national, Ms. Tembo was previously Deputy Executive Director of ITC from June 2014.
Prior to her roles at ITC, Ms. Tembo served as the Executive Director of the multi-donor funded Enhanced Integrated Framework Programme (EIF) at the World Trade Organization (WTO). During her tenure from October 2008 to 2013, Ms. Tembo spearheaded the relaunch of the programme, which supports least developed countries (LDCs) in addressing their trade-related technical assistance needs and supply side constraints.
From 2004 to 2008, Ms. Tembo served as Chief Trade Negotiator and Director of Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry of Zambia. One of her key responsibilities was to lead the Zambian technical team in its capacity as LDC co-ordinator during the WTO’s Hong Kong ministerial meeting which, among other issues, took decisions to extend duty- and quota-free market access to LDCs. This set in motion the Aid for Trade agenda and endorsed the commencement of the Enhanced Integrated Framework Programme.
In 2003 and 2004, Ms. Tembo served as a Trade and Investment Advisor on the USAID Zambia Trade and Investment Enhancement Project (ZAMTIE) project in Lusaka, providing support to the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry and the private sector.
Between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Tembo served as Deputy Team Leader on the USAID RAPID project in Botswana, which assisted Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries in the implementation of the SADC Trade Protocol, after having served in various positions in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, and Zambia's National Commission for Development Planning.
She holds a degree in Economics from the University of Zambia.
Ashish Shah
Brief introduction to Mr. Ashish Shah:
Mr. Ashish Shah has been working at ITC for 13 years in different capacities and currently serves as Director, Division of Country Programmes. He previously held the post of Acting Deputy Executive Director. He has also spent several years in the Office for Africa and the Office of the Executive Director, where he was head of strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation. Prior to joining ITC, he worked first at the International Labour Office in Geneva and then at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Mr. Shah has more than 20 years of international and United Nations experience in the field of trade promotion and development, during which time he has been providing strategic advice on trade-development issues and engaging in high-level policy dialogue with stakeholders in Africa, Asia and the Arab Region.
He has extensive experience both in operations and strategic planning, broad project design and management skills, strong client-relationship management and negotiating abilities, and a proven track record of delivering targets. Mr. Shah holds a master’s degree in cooperative economics and a PhD in economics from Philipps University of Marburg, Germany.
Claudia Uribe
Brief introduction to Claudia Uribe:
Colombian lawyer with vast experience in the field of international trade. Since 2009, Claudia Uribe is the Chief of the Office for Latin America and the Caribbean at the International Trade Centre in Geneva – Switzerland.
Claudia has served as Colombia’s Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the World Trade Organization, where, as president of the Trade Policy Review Body, she chaired the review of China in 2005. The Chinese Government invited Claudia to the celebration of the five years of China´s accession to the World Trade Organization, where she participated in forums in Shenzhen and Beijing. She now also is working on trade and investment promotion between China and Latin America and just came back from a field trip to China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone on this November.
Claudia also served as Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, where she coordinated several business missions visits of Colombian businessmen to China and vice versa. She also served as manager of the macro sector of services and entertainment of Colombia’s export promotion agency (ProExport, nowadays ProColombia), and as Head of the Legal Office of the Institute of Foreign Trade of Colombia. Altogether, Claudia has been a very active actor in the opening process of the Colombian economy and that of Latin America in general.
Moreover, Claudia has served as lecturer at several universities in Latin America, including in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and at the Sorbonne in Paris. She is a frequent guest speaker at international forums on international trade, free trade agreements, and international dispute settlement. Recently, she was invited by the World Alliance for Trade Facilitation in Bogotá, Colombia, and Quito, Ecuador. In addition, she has participated in sustainability forums organized by the Chamber of Tuna Producers and Exporters of Ecuador and, in three occasions, in the annual World Banana Forum organized by the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador.
在ITC总部任职之前,孔瑞男先生曾作为ITC地区代表在墨西哥地区办公室工作4年,负责管理墨西哥、中美和加勒比海地区事务。在此之前,孔瑞男先生是农业部对外农业服务领域的高级农业专家,任职于厄瓜多尔首都基多。在此期间,他担任“美国农业部/PL-480” 和“农业食品促进发展”项目委员会成员,为农村发展提供资金并开展贸易能力建设项目,其项目受益人数超10万。目前,孔瑞男先生同时参与促进中国与拉美地区的贸易与投资合作的工作,去年十一月份,他刚刚结束在中国(广东)自由贸易试验区的实地调研之行。
Brief introduction to Mr. Alarcón:
Mr. Alarcón, an Ecuadorian national, has been active in the international trade and development arena for the last 19 years. Currently, he is the Senior Trade Promotion Officer at ITC’s Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Geneva. He works on developing and implementing market-based solutions to enhance the international competitiveness of Latin American countries and to promote South-south Trade and Cooperation. His current activities revolve around enhancing the livelihoods of poor communities in conflict-affected areas through greater participation in local and international trade.
Mr. Alarcón’s international career with ITC includes a four-year assignment in Mexico as ITC’s Regional Representative responsible for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Earlier in his career, he was the Senior Agricultural Specialist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service in Quito, Ecuador. In this role, he served as a board member of the USDA/PL-480 and Food for Progress programs, which provided financing for rural development, and trade capacity building projects with over 100,000 beneficiaries. He now also is working on trade and investment promotion between China and Latin America and just came back from a field trip to China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone this November.
Mr. Alarcón holds a master's degree in Public Policy and a certificate in International Development from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA. Previously, he earned an engineering degree in business administration from the Catholic University of Ecuador.